Breaking Down Maria Paulette – Greatest Physiques’s Fitness Routine: How It Became Their Path to Success

Stella Scoop

Stella Scoop


Sports have always played a huge role in Maria Paulette’s life. However, it wasn’t until the early 2010s that the Spanish-based athlete embarked on her fitness journey.

With newfound ambitions in fitness, she went on to win her Pro Card in 2014 – entering the IFBB league in the process. Since then, it’s only been onwards and upwards for Maria, who looks set to achieve even greater heights in the years to come.

This is her story:

Athlete Statistics

Full Name: Maria Paulette
Weight Height Age Date of Birth
Under 115lbs (52.2kg) 5’2″ (157.5cm) 45 October 12, 1979
Nationality Profession Alias
Spanish IFBB Bikini Pro, Fitness Model, Personal Trainer lapaulettefitness
Weight Under 115lbs (52.2kg)
Height 5’2″ (157.5cm)
Age 45
Date of Birth October 12, 1979
Nationality Spanish
Profession IFBB Bikini Pro, Fitness Model, Personal Trainer
Alias lapaulettefitness
Era 2010

Maria Paulette training on rings



  • Spanish Absolute Champion, Under 160cm fitness bikini category, Pro Card Earned


  • Miami Muscle Beach Pro, IFBB Bikini, 13th place
  • Fort Lauderdale Cup, Bikini Class, 12th place
  • Puerto Rico Pro, IFBB Bikini, 11th place
  • Wings of Strength Chicago Pro, IFBB Bikini, 6th place


  • San Marino Pro, IFBB Bikini, 7th place
  • Veronica Gallego, IFBB Bikini, 16th place

Maria Paulette posing in front of judges in a bikini stage



Since she was a child, Maria Paulette has always excelled in sports and academia. Leading an active life quickly became second nature to her.

Out of all the sports and activities that Maria had tried, dance was her favorite. After a couple of years of practicing dance, she decided to turn it into her profession. “I received the necessary diplomas in different types of dance disciplines and I dedicated myself to it”. – Maria Paulette

Maria Paulette posing in a nike sports outfit

University and Fitness

Even though she initially spent a lot of time as a dancer, things changed after Maria enrolled in college.

With more responsibilities on her hands, she had less and less time to practice dance. Over time, this led her to lose her passion for the activity.

In time, Maria started searching for other ways of staying active, but without investing so much of her time into it. This is when she stumbled upon fitness. After joining a gym, Maria was quickly impressed by the results she saw from a healthy diet and regular exercise.

In fact, this spurred her to delve deeper and deeper into the world of fitness over the years.

Maria Paulette fitness transformation before-after

A Pro Athlete

After seeing results in her physical appearance, strength, and overall performance, Maria became ‘hooked’ on training in the gym. And 4 years later, she made it into her career.

She went on to win her Pro Card in 2014, becoming an IFBB Bikini Pro athlete. She’s continued to grow over the years and now competes in world-class fitness shows. With her awesome ambitions and thirst for success, Maria continues to make waves in the industry of fitness and bikini contests.

Maria Paulette posing on the bikini stage


Some of Maria’s favorite exercises are cardio and heavy weight training. Specifically, she loves doing HIIT workouts with short rest periods and high intensity.

While cardio allows her to keep a lean figure, strength workouts shape and sculpt Maria’s physique.

Maria Paulette showing off her muscular back


Maria Paulette is aware that abs aren’t only made in the gym – but also in the kitchen.

For this reason, dieting is a part of Maria’s everyday life. She leaves nothing to chance, preparing all of her meals into Tupperware to have for the week ahead.

With that said, Maria allows an occasional ‘unhealthy’ treat every now and again to keep herself happy.

Maria Paulette sitting by a pool looking fit and lean

Idols and Influences

Maria’s Motivations

Maria’s motivation comes from wanting to improve herself every day, both physically and mentally.

When she pushes through those last few reps, it’s just as much mental work as it is physical.

Maria also draws motivation from her fans. They inspire her to better herself every day, not just for her own personal reasons, but also to show them that it’s possible to achieve greatness with dedication and hard work.

Maria Paulette posing in the gym

What we can learn from Maria Paulette

What we can learn from Maria Paulette, is that setting new goals and accomplishing them will enable you to live a fulfilled and happy life.

By rising up to challenges that stand in front of you, and by facing them with determination, you too can become a stronger and better person in the process – just like Maria.

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